场景:想要post下载文件,因为get下载文件参数只能 通过url传递,长度受限制。
jQuery get() 和 post() 方法用于通过 HTTP GET 或 POST 请求从服务器请求数据。
也就是本来用XMLHttpRequest发最朴素的http psot/get,有了ajax以后就用ajax发 http post/get,省得每次都创建操作XMLHttpRequest。
ajax post和表单post的区别
没有区别,只是 AJAX 是,正如首字母缩写词所暗示的那样,是异步的,这意味着它不会阻止其他任何东西运行。表单和 AJAX 请求都发送 POST 请求,唯一的区别是浏览器使用表单 POST 请求的响应来加载新页面,其中 AJAX 请求响应被传递给 JavaScript 中的回调。
Ajax 请求是在后台异步发送的 xhr 请求,由您的 javascript 代码处理,而表单请求是普通请求,将重新加载浏览器页面以及浏览器呈现的响应
提交 HTML 表单会构造一个根据为 HTML 表单定义的规则格式化的 HTTP 请求,并使浏览器导航到它获得的响应。
使用 JavaScript 发出请求允许编程构建更多种类的请求——包括添加自定义标头、以不同方式(例如 JSON)格式化数据,以及与 HTML 表单构建请求的方式相同——并导致响应用 JavaScript 处理。
Hi Amanda,
My name is Xingjian Wu and I was originally admitted to 21Fall semester and I deferred to 22Spring. But my visa is issued util this march. So I chose to take courses as a non-maticulating student this Spring semester. Before about January 10th, I am not sure the time when I can arrive US. Once I know I can arrive US on March, I submit the non-matriculating application. (In the process, I keep communicating with Bianka.) But after the application approveled. There are few courses avaliable.
I originally wrote CS561WS and CS545WS in the non-matriculating application form, and I have enrolled in CS561WS successfully but my override application for CS545WS was rejected (I have submitted an application for the second time and it is in progress now).I would like to enroll in two more courses in addition to the CS561WS, any two from CS545WS, CS546WS, CS570WS, CS574WS. But they are either closed or I am not eligible.
- I submitted the Request Enrollment in Closed Course Section for CS546WS and CS570WS. Can you please help me approve it?
- What may happen if I enroll in a course from workday before notifying non-matriculating apartment? (For example, CS546WS releases a seat, and I enroll in it but it is not on my non-matriculating application form)
通过contoller传过去参数 下载<->get
跳转一次 从8991发到8999 从8999再发到8999
不reset 跨域仍在 不影响下载
用post来下载 vs 用表单get/表单post来下载
表单的get post和http get post的关系?
尝试1 get里加消息体 不会
post ajax没有跨域问题 get ajax有跨域问题?
in () 有bug
为什么ajax不允许写磁盘 为什么表单就可以
0不能跳 不能点击 颜色黑色