之前是某公司的ppt 现在找不到了
找到了 妈的
MySQL cannot go directly to the 10000th record (or the 80000th byte as your suggesting) because it cannot assume that it’s packed/ordered like that (or that it has continuous values in 1 to 10000). Although it might be that way in actuality, MySQL cannot assume that there are no holes/gaps/deleted ids.
So, as bobs noted, MySQL will have to fetch 10000 rows (or traverse through 10000th entries of the index on id) before finding the 30 to return.
EDIT : To illustrate my point
Note that although
SELECT * FROM large ORDER BY id LIMIT 10000, 30
would be slow(er),
SELECT * FROM large WHERE id > 10000 ORDER BY id LIMIT 30
would be fast(er), and would return the same results provided that there are no missing ids (i.e. gaps).
MySQL 不能直接转到第 10000 条记录(或您建议的第 80000 字节),因为它不能假设它是这样打包/排序的(或者它在 1 到 10000 之间具有连续值)。尽管实际上可能是这样,但 MySQL 不能假设没有漏洞/间隙/删除的 id。
因此,正如 bob 所指出的,id在找到要返回的 30 行之前,MySQL 必须获取 10000 行(或遍历索引的第 10000 个条目)。
SELECT * FROM large ORDER BY id LIMIT 10000, 30
SELECT * FROM large WHERE id > 10000 ORDER BY id LIMIT 30